Sunday, November 16, 2008

The temporence movement provided to many parts of society. The movement affected women, and some religious areas. The women wanted to put a stop to alchol abuse, and to their own abuse. The men would sometimes come home drunk, and abuse their wives. This is why they wanted to rid alchol. The religious areas wanted to destroy alchol because they thought of it as the devil's drink, or poison. They were optomistic, and the men were pesimistic because they enjoyed beer, and carrrying on.

Day 1:
Today is not a good day. The democrat Lincoln looks a'like he a gonna take away everything the south has come to know. Those northern democrats should be ashamed of themselves. The only reason they want Lincoln is because they know he'll put a hault to slavery. That will kill me and my plantation.
Day 2:
Ive been runnin a'muk. Lincoln has won the election, and imma fraid the south has know hope. There will no longer be a say for the south. We'll probably leave the union.
Day 3:
Like i said the south seceded from the union. All us southern plantation owners asked from Lincoln was to extend slavery, but he said no. He don't know how much them slaves mean to his economy, but he'll see now that were gone. I can feel it now, there's going to be war.
Day 4:
There is gonna be war. The confederate troops have hold to almost all forts, post offices, and other federal buildings in the South. You can smell the scent of war, just like the hound dog ona slave trail.

Day 5:
The Union wants Fort Sumter. It is the guarding fort to Charleston harbor. The Union was the reason for war. They just wouldn't let go, so we had to fire at em'.

In the south slavery was the main source to life, and to social ranks. Slavery allowed whites, no matter the consequences, to be higher-ups than any slave. Slavery not only seperated social ranks, but also provided the south with economic prosperity with the use of cotten. The slaves helped tend to the plantations, by picking and planting the cotten. This labor then helped to boom the south into making a lot of the countries profits. Although slavery was not necessarily a good thing, it helped to decide social class, and provide to economic prosperity.